the videos suck
Lotehlolz! htehy netehwgrounds!
Age 37, Male
Swedish fgt
Joined on 10/7/06
the videos suck
sry guy
i like the series. mAKE mOrE!
dont worry, i will.
I hated it.
Aw man, he's just joking.
No, for real.
For Real?
Awwww man.
His name reminds me of you.
shit damner
Loved it best flash in outer mars cock space!!!
It's a bunch of spam, just like all this other Kitty Krew Krap. I call it Kitty Krap, Krappy Krew, or even Krapfest. I hate KKrew's spamming. Your only good submission was Morbily Obese SMB. Your last one had a chef, a monkey, and a weird pink, flying slug-thing. I just want you guys to stop voting 5 on your crap. The beginning of <a href=""> /437489</a> , aka The House of 1000 Cats, is what you KKrews do all day. You make spam, vote 5 on all your spam, flag comments with us complaining about your crap output, repeat, repeat, repeat. BFK hasn't been on because he was too busy watching 2 Girls 1 Cup. When I get my voting power high, I SWEAR TO THE LORD, that I will BLAM your SPAM!!!!
stupid damn fucking shit
stupid damn fucking shit
stupid damn fucking shit
stupid damn fucking shit
i think its the best series on this site... it should be in a collection
the intro made me laugh great but the speakonia setting and everything was pretty cliche
well at least u liked the intro